In general, the documentation you will need includes: |
Property Information (if you already have a contract on a house) |
Purchase Agreement. |
If you are selling your current home, copy of listing contract. |
If you have sold your current home, copy of settlement statement (Closing Disclosure). |
Income & Assets |
Pay stubs for the last 30 consecutive days. |
For the past two years: |
Statements for each bank, mutual fund, and/or investment account for the last two months. |
Insurance company & agent contact information |
If you have made any large deposits to your accounts: |
If you own more than 25% of a business: |
If self-employed: |
If you own rental property: |
If you are retired: |
If you receive Social Security: |
If you are counting child support as income: |
Debts |
Names, addresses, account numbers, balances and monthly payments on all current loans. |
Explanation of credit report inquiries, including: |
VA Loans |
Copy of DD Form 214, Report of Separation. |
Miscellaneous |
Photo ID and proof of Social Security number. |
Residence addresses for the past two years. |
If applicable, a copy of your divorce decree. |
If you are not a citizen, a copy of the front and back of your INS/Green card. |